This week, New Line announced the release of an extended cut of Michael Patrick King's SEX AND THE CITY on Blu-ray. I had the misfortune of seeing SEX AND THE CITY theatrically, and my biggest criticism, of which there were many, was that the film is incredibly bloated. At 2 hours and 28 minutes, King shows little to no restraint. There are so many needless scenes where the story stops for a moment of self-indulgence, that I was constantly thinking to myself, "Why am I watching this? It doesn't make any sense for this scene to be here."
I suppose it's possible that the additional footage could contain some sort of weighty subplot of ABYSS-like proportions. But who are we kidding? There is not going to be anything of relevance added to this movie. There's enough shit that doesn't need to be in the movie as it is. There's no way they would've left something important out in order to make room for the 80's clothes montage, or the comic genius of Kristen Davis shitting herself.
This is the downside of giving artists free reign. You tell King that he has 30 minutes every week to tell his story, there's no room for bullshit. You take away those parameters and there's no stopping him.
Michael Patrick King must be stopped.
The obligatory "extended cut" which seems to be popping up on every DVD these days is the editorial equivalent of colorized photography. It's getting out of hand, and something needs to be done before we have to sit through even one more goddamned minute of SEX AND THE CITY.
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