Friday, August 22, 2008

MLB Approves Instant Replay

Major League Baseball has approved the use of instant replay for disputed home run calls. The new rule will go into effect any day now. While some may see this as a bastardization of the national pastime, I see it as progress.

Call me crazy, but I think that all Major League Baseball games should be played in climate-controlled domes with artificial surfaces and instant replay. This is the 21st century for God's sake! Let's start acting like it.

While this is a step in the right direction, I don't quite see why it's being limited to home run calls. A report on indicates that out of 1,500 games this year, only 16 plays would have qualified for review. But how many blown calls do you see on a nightly basis?

People are all concerned that this is the first step on the slippery slope to dehumanizing the game. Let's hope so! Who cares about human? I want accurate!

As ESPN describes it:

Television feeds from all ballparks will be monitored in a "war room" in Manhattan -- one source called it "our NASA" -- where a technician and an umpire supervisor will have access to all games at all times.

I want that job! With one call every 100 games, that's a lot of free baseball-watching.

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